Handyman Insurance, Homer-owner Insurance and Dog Bites.
Did you know that dog bite victims account for up to five percent of emergency room visits. The good news is that the number of dog bite claims are going down, they dropped by 4.7% in 2014. But the bad news is that the average cost per dog bite claim is climbing. In 2014, it was up 15 percent to $32,072, compared with $27,862 in 2013.
According to the Insurance Information Institute, dog bites accounted for more than one-third of all homeowners liability pay outs last year.
If you have a dog, it is your responsibility to train, control and socialize your pet to minimize the potential for dog bites. It is also just plain smart from an economic point of view, as you can see by claim costs. And whether you have a dog or not, it is important to lean about how to prevent bites, how to train kids to be safe around dogs, and what to do if you are bitten.
If you have a client that has dogs, talk to them about having secured fencing, and front door screens. To help prevent their dog and or dogs from getting out and increasing their risk of dog bits happening.