Handyman Insurance, Comparing Florida Auto Insurance Options
The cost of automobile coverage in the Sunshine State can become a bit expensive, especially in areas with dense populations such as Miami and many individuals may find it difficult to keep coverage in effect as a result of the cost or opt for the minimum car insurance requirements. Although the price of a premium can be considerably high, consumers should be aware that choosing to purchase the minimum required protection may come with the risk of incurring uncovered costs arising from a traffic accident.
Currently the state only requires motorist to maintain a policy consisting of $10,000 for Personal Injury Protection (PIP) and $10,000 for property damage liability; while this may seem like a sufficient amount of coverage, in many cases it may not be. For example, for individuals who reside or frequent an area such as South Beach then they are well aware of the number of high end vehicles that are on the roadways; causing a traffic accident with an exotic automobile can very easily exceed $10,000 for repairs and the policyholder can be held responsible for any remaining costs for the repair. Motorists should compare Florida auto insurance rates based on different levels of coverage to see if they can afford to be better protected.